Events and Conferences
Transnational Press London and the journal groups have been participating and supporting international academic events and conferences in cognate discipline areas.
- 2021 The Migration Conference hosted by International British Business School and Ming Ai (London) Institute, 6-10 July 2021, London, UK. Migration Letters, Goc Dergisi, and Remittances Review were the organisers and sponsors of the event. The book of abstracts can be downloaded here.
- 2021 Symposium On “Rethinking Alienation Beyond the Pandemic from Local to Global: The New Normal from Theory to Practice” will be organized online on May 27-28, 2021 by Istanbul Ayvansaray University, Istanbul, Turkey [Online]. TPLondon has sponsored the event.
- 2021 – 1st International Conference on Migration and Gender Issues (2021 COMAGI) organised by Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine, 11-12 March 2021. Transnational Press London has sponsored the event and published the book of abstracts.
- 2017 The Migration Conference hosted by Harokopio University Athens, Greece, 23-26 August 2017, Athens. Migration Letters, Goc Dergisi, Journal of Gypsy Studies and Remittances Review are among the sponsors of the event.
- 2016 Turkish Migration Conference hosted by the University of Vienna, Austria, 12-15 July 2016, Vienna. Migration Letters, Goc Dergisi, Journal of Gypsy Studies and Remittances Review are sponsoring the best paper prizes at the event.
- 2015 Book launch: Coctail and Talk on Turkish Migration with authors hosted by Acik Gazete at Antalya Restaurant, Russell Square, London, 30 October 2015. | Book your tickets here
- 2015 Turkish Migration Conference: Economics, Geographies and Identities hosted by Charles University Prague, Czech Republic, 25-27 June 2015, Prague.Migration Letters is sponsoring the best paper prizes at the event.
- AM & RCTS Colloquium on B2B Marketing in Transnational Context hosted by Regent’s University London, United Kingdom, 20 March 2015.Transnational Marketing Journal is offering a special issue for the best papers presented at the event.