Portobello Photographer


Portobello Photographer | Neptune E. Kosi | Published: 01/04/2023 [ Fiction: 6 ] | Paperback: ISBN: 978-1-80135-136-2: Buy on Amazon | Buy on Lulu | Buy on Talebe.com | Digital: ISBN: 978-1-80135-137-9: Read on Google Play | Read on Kindle | Read on Talebe.com | Read on CEEOL



Portobello Photographer

Portobello Photographer

Neptune E. Kosi
Yayın tarihi: 01/04/2023 [ Fiction: 6 ]

Paperback: ISBN: 978-1-80135-136-2: Buy from Amazon | Buy from Lulu | Talebe.com
Digital: ISBN: 978-1-80135-137-9: Read on Kindle | Google Play | Read on CEEOLTalebe.com’da oku

Sometimes there are moments that are so dreamy that they take you through the streets of the city in the arms of magical imagination. Some dreams get caught on the hook of the imagination and stay there for centuries. Some wait on the gloomiest and foggy street of the city…

In London, there’s a world most people could never even dream of. A city of ravens, fairies, angels, half raven half-human creatures, and the others…

A Saturday morning that started on Portobello Road was also the beginning of a brand-new London for Mila. As she awakened, many unknowns were awakening above and below London. London was no longer the old London. People and Ravens too.

London is always grey, but this was the most threatening grey she has ever seen!

Neptune E. Kosi, whose life revolves around Istanbul-London, has four novels published in Turkish, as well as her short stories and articles published in many literary magazines and newspapers abroad (UK, USA, Cyprus, Turkey). The author continues to publish her articles in the London-based Eurovizyon newspaper since 2016. The author, who studied Behavioral Sciences, also received education such as Fairy Tale Therapy, Play Therapy, Bibliotherapy, and The Art of Storytelling.

The author has been giving various The Art of Storytelling seminars in recent years, especially in England. While conveying the healing power of fairy tales through mythologies and legends, she also teaches and enjoys it a lot.

The author lives in London, which always embraces you with its grey wings, with her husband, cats, and her library where hundreds of unique stories are whispered among themselves. The author believes that under every city there is one more of it. Each city has uncounted gates and keys to belong to a sub-city.

Books published in Turkish:

  • Mavi Kuyruk (2013)
  • Siyah Palto (2014)
  • Aralık (2015)
  • Londra Düşleri (2020)

Product Details:

ISBN: 978-1-80135-136-2
eISBN: 978-1-80135-137-9
Publisher: Transnational Press London
Published: 1 April 2023
Language: English
Pages: 223
Binding: Paperback
Interior Ink: Black & white
Weight (approx.): 0.45 kg
Dimensions (approx.): 15cm wide x 23cm tall

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