Transnational Press London (TPLondon) is an independent international publisher of academic and professional journals, periodicals, magazines, books and catalogues. Currently the journal portfolio offers several periodicals including Migration and DiversityTransnational Business and ManagementThe CommentariesAVARthe AgonistGöç DergisiBorder CrossingJournal of PosthumanismJournal of Ecohumanism, and Discrimination.

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Some of the titles published by TPLondon includes Pricing the New FrontierEntrepreneurial Transitions in Family Business: Organic Model, Governance and SuccessionA Defining Moment – Transnational Nursing Education, International Operations, Innovation and SustainabilityRevisiting Gender and MigrationWomen from North Move SouthOvereducated and Over Here Image of Istanbul, Impact of ECOC 2010 on the City ImageFamily and Human Capital in Turkish MigrationTurkish Migration, Identity and Integration and Conflict, Insecurity and Mobility.

Please browse our catalogue for books and journals to find more about our journalsbooks and book series as well as conferences and events.

About Transnational Press London

Transnational Press London (TPLondon), as an international publisher of academic and professional journals, periodicals, magazines, books and catalogs, offers a series of books along with some leading journals. The books published by Transnational Press London are written by experts in their respective fields and reviewed by peers including our own advisory board members and reviewers.   Published books and journals are made available through key libraries such as British LibraryOxford University Bodleian Library, and Cambridge University Library, as well as being available through international book distributors including Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Lulu, Ingram and Nielsen.   Please use the menu for books and journals to find more about our journals, books and book series as well as conferences and events.

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Transnational Press London was formerly trading as “The London Publishers” and “Migration Letters” since 2003.